Message from our President
John Cairns emailed us all, but in case you didn’t get the message here is what he said.
Dear Friends in Dunbar Choral
Every Tuesday I am conscious of how much Liz misses the fellowship and enjoyment of singing that you all provide and we just wanted to send a message to say we hope that you are all keeping safe and well. These are difficult times in so many ways but we are struck by the fortitude and good nature of so many people as they face up to things. Listening to music has been a great help as we experience this odd incarceration and it is a reminder that the day will come when the voices of Dunbar Choral will strike up together again.
As your non singing President I look forward to that and our next concert whenever that may be. Perhaps we might all remember all those professional musicians who are unable to play because of the closures and thus struggle with the consequences of that.
With every good wish to you and yours
John Cairns
Thanks, John, we are all looking forward to singing together as soon as possible.
- Spring Concert – Cancelled
- Still no practices